Sensual - Tantra - Lomi Lomi - Tantric Massage -

What Is Sensual - Tantric Massage

Tantra itself is the art of love and pleasure, rooted deep into the past.

Practitioners or tantra gurus know that our body (like a soul) is an important part of well-being. Combination of classic tantric and sensual massages will help you to break the sensual energy barrier in all parts of your body, restore the healing flow of erotic energy and work of all body systems. Sensual tantra massage is the one of the body to body massage relaxing technique that give you pleasure and incredible sensual experience for mind, heart and body in full. Tantric sensual massage will let you discover the source of your inner strength and power.

Tantra is a very sensual body to body ritual suitable for men, women and couples. Especially couples can learn how the deep relaxation and pleasure in sensual massage can increase the erotic attraction and mutual love in relationship. Tantric massage is a wonderful gift to your beloved and a method to get sensual pleasure.

Sensual Tantra massage is a deeply relaxing, energizing and awakening experience, which increases your inner peace and joy of life. In a sensual tantra massage we awaken the sensual pleasure and the erotic energy in a sublime and controlled way, spreading the energy throughout the entire body, using it as a way of accessing a deeper level of pleasure and ecstatic happiness.


Slow deep pressure is applied using all my body weight and reinforced hands one on top of the other as well as using the forearms, closed fists and elbows, to reach your deeper muscles, and melt all the tension away, during this tailored massage to suit your specific.

A high-quality deep tissue lotion is used instead of oil for maximum grip and precision.

The Sensual Deep Tissue Massage is performed on a massage table, bed or floor.

Naked | Sensual | Deep Pressure | Lotion | On massage table or Bed Massage

Prices - 

90 minutes 

Her - £100 

Couples - £250 

2 hours

Her - £150

Couples - £350


Superior Classic Swedish Massage performed on a bed and using the highest quality professional massage oil, which is 100% scentless and water dispersible. Aromatherapy essential oils can be added to your massage at your discretion, free of charge.  

I prefer to use lavender massage oil

Naked | Relaxing | Sensual | On massage table or Bed Massage

Prices - 

90 minutes 

Her - £80

Couples - £200

2 hours

Her £150

Couples - £300

Tantric or Sensual

The tantric approach can create valley orgasms, orgasmic states that last for hours, feeling integrated, heart, mind, body and soul.

A sensual massage is a very erotic, full body and holistic massage utilising lots of long flowing strokes. It works with your energy, waking it up around the body through present, loving, intuitive touch.

A man receives a Lingham massage and he can have a prostate massage too if he likes, and a woman receives a yoni massage, so they differ in that way

The attitude of the practitioner is calm, loving, and honouring of you in your entirety.

Experiencing full body orgasmic pleasure can teach people a lot about themselves, and inspire them to create more fulfilment and connection for themselves and their partners. It will leave a person feeling full body integration and unite the genitals with the heart.

Massage Benefits

Health Benefits that you will receive after a sensual massage:

– The highest level of pleasure

– Increase sensual energy and vitality

– Helps to bring more confidence in you

– Stress relief

– Orgasm in older men

– Improve blood circulation

The tantric massage can help people become better lovers, help couples to connect better and enjoy each other more, there are many benefits.

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